Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cardio ~ Cardio Supplement ~ For Cardio Health; Cardio Boost ~ Liquid L-Arginine


For Cardio Health, over the counter natural products are available to anyone interested in optimal nutrition heart health and Cardio Boost Liquid L-Arginine.

L-Arginine, a semi essential amino acid, is the major component for cardiovascular protection.

The recommended dosage for L- Arginine is 5 grams or 5000 mg daily.

According to a Nobel Prize Laureate, Dr. Louis Ignarro M.D. Ph. D. L-Citrulline is another essential ingredient, as it enhances the synthesis of additional L-Arginine in the body.

Cardio Supplement Calories should be minimal, the sources all natural and vegetable. Pills, capsules, and tablets often do not allow for a high level of absorption or assimilation, so Liquid Arginine liquid forms of vitamins are best.